Customer Testimonials

Apr 11, 2012

I am using several 4Team products and none of them have disappointed me. Had small problem with one tool, tech support guys fixed it for me in two minutes. Great software, excellent staff, nothing else to add here.

Donald McDonnell, USA

Mar 9, 2012

I find Safe PST Backup analogous to sports where the mark of a good referee is that you barely notice their presence. The job is getting done quietly in the background and if not for the icon on the desktop you could forget the application is even there. Just don't have a need for the enterprise edition at the moment, but should the need present itself I would not hesitate to purchase, nor would I hesitate to recommend the product to others who were looking for backup solutions that the enterprise version offers.

Hollis Nelson, USA

Mar 9, 2012

Not only is it a great Sync tool, but the technical support is awesome. Using a Windows Hebrew version, I could not make regular Sync work. A patient, professional, systems expert help me (worked remotely on my PC for 40 minutes!), solve any issues and the Sync worked fine. Thank you for a great product and service!

Eli Reisner, USA

Sept 7, 2011

Yes, I can admit - I am a big fan of 4team.Corp software. And Duplicate Killer is no exception. All software is as simple as bread and the same way necessary. Duplicate Killer is the most advanced program to clean duplicates from Outlook. It allows you to set your own criteria how duplicates should be found and managed. I really like this program. Thank you, folks!

Bruce Saunders, USA
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Customer Testimonials
I am using several 4Team products and none of them have disappointed me. Had small problem with one tool, tech support guys fixed it for me in two minutes. Great software, excellent staff, nothing else to add here."
Donald McDonnell, USA See more
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