ShareOutlook prerelease version 2.0 (release candidate) is available for download.
Nov 30, 2004
Whats new:
Totally new version, with new independent from Outlook sharing technology.
Eliminated Access Dialog in most cases.
New design of interfaces.
Improved sharing of Mail Folders. Now shared folders with email messages are visible to others the same way they are in your Outlook. E-mails are now even shared with statuses – whether e-mail was replied to or forwarded to, this information is visible to all users that share the folder with you.
Improved sharing of Notes Folders. Now any changes in notes are also shared as updates.
Progress bar window informing about the progress of sharing. When sending full folder update to other member, progress bar appears informing you about the progress of gathering updates from your computer and sending them to other users. You can simple minimize it to windows tray and continue working with Outlook without any interruptions.
Support for labels (colors) sharing is added in appointments sharing.
Support for contact picture in Outlook 2003 is added in contacts sharing.
"Unread Only" filter button added in Outlook 2003.
many other minor bugs and problems fixed.
Partial support for Business Contact Management for Outlook 2003, will be finished in next version. This way make your Outlook real CRM.
Important Note: If you upgrade from version before 1.3xx, please upgrade (uninstall previous and install latest 1.3) to the version 1.3 that is available
Known problems: If you use windows 98, please wait for the products release that supports this upgrade. This upgrade does not work with Windows 98.